Thursday, 22 January 2015


Monday, 28 July 2014

The Facts. The 12-issue Maxi-series Crisis on Infinite Earths, created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez in 1985 was developed in order to simplify the 50 years of increasingly complex continuity.  Origins, power levels and sliding timescales were becoming too convoluted, and previous attempts to rectify these problems essentially boiled down to creating an ever-expanding multi-verse of different Earths in order to credibly explain...

Monday, 7 July 2014

How does a beginner like me get into the DC Comics Universe? Now, I don’t like to brag, but when it comes to Marvel Comics I like to think I know what I’m talking about. From the Sanctum Santorum to the Savage Land, from the Microverse to Knowhere, if you set me down without a map I’d know my way around. I know the difference between Venom, Anti-Venom and Carnage, my Green Goblins from my Hobgoblins, and if you’ve got...

Monday, 23 June 2014

So I've been pretty busy working over on Rhymes With Geek on some articles that I'm pretty pleased with, mostly concerning Marvel's latest event series Original Sin. For the most part I'm really digging this series, Jason Aaron is crafting a great murder mystery that seems to be throwing out all the rules, while bringing together a completely random cast of characters. For once the main Marvel mainstays - Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Captain Marvel - are absent in favour of a more eclectic bunch of characters. Punisher is teamed up with Dr Strange, Gamora,...

Monday, 12 May 2014

I might be saying something completely controversial here, but I don't think I've been so invested in the Marvel cosmic universe as I am after reading Cyclops #1. By that I mean since it’s very recent revival; obviously I loved Annihilation and the Thanos Imperative, but Nova, Infinity, even Guardians of the Galaxy haven’t drawn me in as much as this one issue. I've loved Silver Surfer, but until it gets dragged into an event of some sort I...

Friday, 9 May 2014

So I've got some interesting articles coming up. Well, you might not think they're interesting but I sure do! Following on from my Why I Love Letter 44 piece (that I wrote on this very blog in fact) and the whole series of articles I wrote on Why I Love Valiant which you can read here, my next one is entitled... Why I Love Black Science! The Image comics series by Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera is always one of the first books I read when...
Hmm, so my weekly article that I write on here, 'The Week In Comics!', is suspiciously absent this week, and with valid reason really.  I started writing it because I loved the idea of writing comic reviews on a weekly basis and sharing my thoughts with people on the latest releases. I still love that, nothing's changed. However lately I've really felt that with what time I have to write every week, this column has become a bit of an unsustainable....burden I suppose. I break my back to get it out every week and although it's not a massive...
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