Thursday, 27 March 2014

The end is near. A lot nearer than you think. Marvel. Slott, Gage, Camuncoli, Dell, Fabela. So things are moving a lot faster in this book than I was expecting. It's understandable considering there's only one issue left, but by the end of this book you're left in a very different place than when you started. The penultimate chapter in the Goblin Nation story sees Peter Parker make some developments that are sure to please fans, and sees Otto...

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The tension takes a slight back seat this issue, replaced instead by stealthy agents and alien action. ONI Press. Soule, Alburquerque, Jackson. This is just one of those books that can't come out fast enough as far as I'm concerned, and as I'm sure reading it in trade would be very rewarding, there's also something to be said for the levels of tension that build up between issues. While previous issues have used the all-encompassing fear...

Friday, 14 March 2014

Welcome to This Week in Comics! Ok, so if you've read my blog before, this used to be called the Reading List, but I felt like a change (it's as good as a rest don't ya know), so I'm shaking it all up a little. Nevertheless this is my weekly column where I go through the new comics releases that I read every week, what I liked and what I didn't. Safe to say there'll be some spoilers but I'll try to keep them light. So if you're looking for what...

Monday, 10 March 2014

Boom! studios. Bemis, Getty  I enjoy coming into new series like this with little to no prior knowledge or expectations, or having read anyone else's reviews, and this time is no exception. I've not read Polarity, the previous series from writer and Say Anything frontman Max Bemis, nor have I seen any previous work of artist Ransom Getty, so I'm seriously flying blind here folks. That's why I love doing this blog though; it encourages me to...
In my quest to overtake the internet I now write comic book reviews and articles for Gaming/Comics site IndieAltRepeat! They're a really cool site focusing on 'The Other Stuff', namely anything indie, alternative or retro, and definitely worth adding to your bookmarks! You can find them here. My first review for them is the first part of Valiant Comic's latest crossover Mission:Improbable, bringing Bloodshot and H.A.R.D corps head to head...

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Welcome to The Reading List!Here are my personal highlights of the comic books released this week.If you've read my blog before I do lean towards Marvel/Image/Indie, so don't be surprised if you don't see many DC reviews on here. Also: this is an open discussion of my personal thoughts on each issue as I've read them, therefore need I say...HERE BE SPOILERS!You have been warned.Let's get started!MARVEL Captain America #18Remender, Klein, White First...

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Epic in scope, claustrophobic in execution - why I love Charles Soule's political Sci-Fi thriller; and why you should too. ONI Press. Soule, Alberquerque, Major. Warning: this article contains spoilers for issues 1-4 of Letter 44. By the time of this writing, Letter 44 - ONI Press' new series by writer du jour Charles Soule and by artist Alberto Alberquerque - is on issue number 4 (really no excuse not to play catch up), but there is so...

Monday, 3 March 2014

Has-been Hollywood star goes to extremes to stay young. "Things do not go to plan" - Understatement WeeklyImage. Jonathan Ross, Ian ChurchillI'm really not sure I can say I enjoyed The Revenge, I don't think anyone can truly 'enjoy' something with such a vile subject matter, a starkly grotesque plot and such intensely unlikeable characters. If I had to just give a one word review of this first issue (and I suspect the series as a whole) I'd go with...
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