Monday, 28 April 2014

So anyone living in the UK got a special treat if they bought the Guardian newspaper on Saturday - the Guardian Weekend magazine was a comics special. Entitled 'Authors! In An Adventure with Artists!', the magazine included 6 unique stories created by some well known writers and artists. I was aware that it was coming out but I completely forgot about it until that evening when I saw Rich Johnston 'unboxing' it on Bleeding Cool. That wasn't...

Friday, 25 April 2014

Welcome to The Week in Comics! This is my weekly column where I go through the new comics releases that I read every week, what I liked and what I didn't. Safe to say there'll be some spoilers but I'll try to keep them light. So if you're looking for what to read or just some random guy's opinion on the comics he read this week (that's me. Hi there!) then join me as I separate the BEST from the REST in The...

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Welcome to The Week in Comics! An early and slightly abridged WiC this week you guys, due to the Easter break coming up. Nevertheless -This is my weekly column where I go through the new comics releases that I read every week, what I liked and what I didn't. Safe to say there'll be some spoilers but I'll try to keep them light. So if you're looking for what to read or just some random guy's opinion on the comics he read this week...
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